Friday, September 29, 2017

What is Balance?

For me, October is my busiest month.  I try to find balance between work and my children and I'll admit I fail sometimes.

This month, I'm working on two huge undertakings for my business and in the end it will pay off, but I will be stressed and up against deadlines and here are my sweet children who just want my attention.

Today, to make up for being so busy and stressed, I took my children for a drive along Skyline Drive on the Blue Ridge Mountains.

While we were behind schedule, without lunch, and my son scared the crap out of me more than once by climbing rocks like a mountain goat, we had fun! I promised them I'd take them again if next Friday was a good weather day.

Leaving was sad, but sweetened by some amazing King's Popcorn. It's an amazing little food truck just off the Afton Mountain exit on Rte 64 and they are totally worth it. I made sure I took a photo of their menu so I could order a meal from them next time, because there were a few people eating and it smelled so good.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Intelligent Girls... like hayrides

This Saturday, a local nursery was holding a custom appreciation day, so off we went to check it out. Bear was so excited because they had a free-use bounce house. To this day, I've never been inside a bounce house. They make my claustrophobia act up, but my son LOVES them. He probably bounced around for a good 10 to 15 minutes before we could convince him to take a break.

After that, we decided to take advantage of their free hayrides. Both children were excited, until the time to get in wagon. Bear jumped right in with his Papa, but Bun stopped. She said she didn't want to get in, so we quickly stepped aside to let other riders on. I told her we could wait while Bear and Papa rode. Then she looked at me and said, "Intelligent girls like hayrides." When I asked if that meant she wanted to ride after all, she nodded.

I'm not sure where this "Intelligent girls" phrasing came from, but she uses it often. Apparently, intelligent girls like to be helpful, coloring, singing, and I'm sure many other things, which currently escape me.

The hayride was quite nice and we got to see a lot of the valley. No actual pictures, since I was holding Bun on my lap. She didn't like sitting on the straw. While riding I realized it was the very first time my children have had a hayride.

So, I'd say my weekend was a win.

(Although I really wish I'd gone to a big Harry Potter event in Staunton, Virginia this weekend. However there were a lot of people there and satellite parking and my children don't know anything about Harry Potter yet. So maybe next year...)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Cat Crafts

All links are affilaate links. I may make a small amount of money if you click any links or make a purchase. 

Ok, so the other day, I fell down an Amazon hole. It's sort of like falling down a Wikipedia hole, except you're following suggested products based on items you're currently looking at.

It all started with this book Crafting with Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat. I'd seen this book in passing via my older sister and was just curious about the book. Well, let me tell you once I got to this book, my cat book journey had begun.

I noticed this book by Gemma Gorrell, Doodling for Cat People: 50 inspiring doodle prompts and creative exercises for cat lovers. I've been a fan of her pug art so I had to check out this cute doodle book. Now is it just me or are doodle books new? I've never seen these before 2017. Perhaps I'm behind the curve. But I'm totally for them, because so cute

Well, after that, I saw the cover of this cute coloring book, A Million Cats: Fabulous Felines to Color. I mean look at those chubby cat faces!

Finally I ended up here Cat Castles: 20 Cardboard Habitats You Can Build Yourself, and really let's just admire the brilliance of this book. Who has a cat that hates boxes and this book is all about making fancy boxes, because I think all cat owners have gotten to the point they wonder about the tiny cardboard shanty town they've slowly accumulated because the cat loves them.

Now, this is the last on, because I thought I was done, but when I went over to Amazon to get the links, I saw this Pusheen Coloring Book too! Who doesn't love Pusheen?

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Our new "pet," Spot

This past weekend, The Dude purchased a small air compressor from Harbor Freight.

Alright, so maybe I have too much imagination, but seriously look at this thing! It's adorable! It's got little suction cup feeties and so I may have told our children it was a new pet puppy...

and they named it Spot.

Here's a picture of Bun petting Spot.

I think it's adorable, but The Dude insists I'm psychologically damaging our children by personifying inanimate objects, but come on, it's a cute air compressor, right? 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mama's Sick Day

Yesterday, I woke up with the most horrendous migraine. I don't often get migraines and this is the very first one I've had since moving out to Virginia, but this one had me low. So low I actually had to run to the bathroom to throw-up. It was bad.

While emptying my tummy of water and the bit of coffee I'd imbibed, I heard both children run back to check on me. The rest of the day was spent moving as little as possible and hiding from all light. At one point the children decided they needed to feed me toy foods. I asked if they wouldn't mind tending to toy animals instead, because the urge to urk was rising.

Luckily by the end of the day, I was feeling much better, but the fact that my Monday had been wasted still stings. Mondays are my busiest days. If you're like me, time is your most expensive commodity and I hate to waste it being sick. I'd also made several mental notes of "Monday will be the start of ___."

But I've really had to try to let these feelings go. Any day can be my start. Any hour can be my start. And as for the missed time to get things done around the house, well. There's always tomorrow.

Ugh, but I still hate it.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

'Tis the Season

The weather in Virginia is changing! The nights have become crisp and cool. The leaves are beginning to change. It is autumn for sure!

I am a nut for autumn weather. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year in Virginia.

The windows have been thrown open!

The best fruit is in season, apples, pears, grapes, pomegranates!

Trips to orchards to pick some of these delicious fruits!

The scent of warm spiced candles burning!

Handmade blankets have returned to the backs of couches!
 Dinners are warm, comforting dishes!

Pumpkins are appearing at the roadside stall of local farmers!

Today, while doing the weekly grocery shopping, I purchased a pumpkin roll, just because I can.

It's autumn!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Equifax Credit Breach

So I'd planned on making a light-hearted post today about autumn and pumpkin spice, but with the news of Equifax dropping the ball on everyone's credit security, I thought I'd use today's post to be of help to you guys.

First, I'll just say simply Equifax is being seriously shady about everything that happened. You can read more on this cnet article. It also includes what you need to do to secure your credit asap.

However some people are having trouble just getting to the article, so I've laid out the basic points.

1. Check your credit report. Personally I'm having trouble getting through on this myself. The system is being slammed, because such a huge number of people were effected and several who have been haven't been told they were!

2. Freeze your credit. This can be done over the phone and it is usually automated, so no people.

3. Set up a fraud alert.

Now, I'm no expert and am going with what I've read on this article, but it's all good information and something you will likely want to do yourself. Good luck! I hope you won't be seriously effected by this security breach.

Now, back to me trying to get my credit report. yay!

Love and hugs!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Scissor Ban

Well, we survived the house guests. It's times like this when I realize I'm truly and introvert. After a weekend long visit, I'm physically exhausted.

The weekend was uneventful, with the exception of Bun giving herself a haircut.

The children were coloring while waiting for our guests to arrive and I was reading a book. Bun came running up to me with a fistful of hair, smiling and saying, "Mama, here you go!"

Luckily she gave herself only slightly crooked bangs. I mean really lucky. If I tried to cut my own bangs, I'd look a fool. She managed to cut her hair with the natural curl and it's hardly noticeable as a self inflicted hair cut.

All the same, we've removed her scissors from her school box for a week and when they return it will be with the strict rule, "Paper only."

Did you ever cut your own hair? Has your child cut their hair off?

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Cat Video Games

While visiting with my mother, she introduced me to cat video games. I'd heard of cat tv, but never cat video games. Above is a video of her cat playing. She was hilarious. I showed it to my cat, but she only watched. No swatting.

This game is called "Cat Fishing" and is made by the Friskies cat food company.

I think they need one with a tiny fly buzzing around or a small red dot. haha!

Let me know if you download the app and try it on your kitty.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The First Day of School

Our family has finally started the homeschool year. I say finally because our local public school started weeks ago and I feel like we are behind.

I'm happy to report that despite a few initial grumbles on Bear's* part, after I showed them their refresh pencil boxes with new supplies they got on board. I'm hoping this means I've passed on the stationary loving gene. Yeah, get me in a stationary shop and I'm in heaven.

We are starting things slowly this week to knock the dust and rust off our vacation brains. I like to have the kids make an "about me" book at the start of the school year, as a little keepsake for them to look back on as adults. Or if they don't ever look at them, at least I can look back at them and cry over my babies growing up.

Have your children started school yet? How are they liking things so far?