Friday, May 19, 2017

Crochet Tips: When you don't have a stitch marker

I'm making this post today because I've seen so many of my amigurumi friends suffering the same thing...

Missing Stitch Markers

The most often culprit for me was leaving my markers inside my dolls! haha!

In a fit of frustration, I discovered a way to mark my stitches by using yarn!
Sound like a good idea? Follow me!

Above, you can see I've made a few increases and found it's time to mark my rounds. See that long bit of yarn from the magic loop? There's our answer! Put your hook through the stitch you want marked and pull the first loop of a single crochet through.

Wrap the loose end of yarn from your magic loop around your active yarn.

Finish your single crochet. Now you have one stitch with a bit of yarn wrapped around. This is your stitch marker!

Here is a picture of the stitch marker after I've worked 3 rounds. I know right where I am! No extra tools needed.

Bonus! If you need to mark again in the same doll, simply repeat the method again with the same piece of yarn or a small scrap of yarn. (below)

I do this all the time and it saves me so much frustration from losing my little stitch markers. I hope this will help you too!

If you have questions, please feel free to leave a comment. I'm here to help!


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You can also get some cool bonus features, such as entry into a monthly raffle, discounts, early access to dolls, and tutorials, similar to this one by becoming a patron. 

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