Saturday, May 27, 2017

Loot Crate: What's in the box?

I've always been intrigued by a subscription box service and last month, I got my chance! I received a discount through a podcast I religiously listen to (Lore) and I thought, "heck, why not? I'll try out Loot Crate."

So the box finally arrived! Oooh! Ominous isn't it? But what's inside?

Ta da! So here it is, my first unboxing and I'm a little unsure. I liked 3 out of the 5 items, but I think I was mostly confused by the theme of the box. It kinda seems all over to me, especially for a mystery box. Ok, maybe just me. But let's take a closer look.

There's a little Rocket and Groot. Aw! The theme was Guardians and, I'll be honest, I was hoping for more Guardians of the Galaxy items, but I can be happy with this little figure. I mean, look at that happy Groot face.

Next up, Adult Coloring Book! Yay! I've been wanting to buy one of these for a while, and here is one with a Star Wars theme. They also included some colored pencils and a sharpener! Such a cute idea!

And then, a Goonies shirt! My husband is jealous, he absolutely loves Goonies, but sadly he looks terrible in red, so it's mine. haha! The shirt is very thick and cozy soft.

Finally, we get to the meh, at least for me.

First up is this glow-in-the dark Avatar pin. It's cool, but it's not me. I enjoyed Avatar, but I still haven't seen the Legend of Korra series and I know I'd never wear this pin, even though it glows in the dark. So, I'm holding a raffle. The winner gets this pin. Go for it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Finally, this set of Destiny patches. This would be so cool! Except I have never played Destiny.  A serious Destiny fan would have loved this box, because the box can be cut up and turned into a Peter Dinklage Cube (sorry, I don't know what they're really called.) I'd show mine, except papercraft is not my jam and my Peter Dinklage Cube is a nightmare.

Anyway! You want these patches? Enter this raffle! I want these to go to someone who will love them.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck to everyone who enters!

Now, we get to the main question, will I continue this subscription?
Yes, I think I will give it at least one more month. I love surprises and June's theme is Alter-Ego.

Here's a snippet from the site:
"There’s two sides to everyone—the side we see and the ALTER-EGO that remains hidden. Explore the secret nature of some of pop culture’s favorite heroes with June’s theme! "

Sponsers this month include: Marvel's Spider-man, Marvel, Transformers, and DC Comics. So maybe a box more suited to me? We will see!

If you'd like to try out Loot Crate, here's the link. Let me know what you think!

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