Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The day the Big Idaho Potato came for a visit

Have you ever heard of The Big Idaho Potato before?
Neither have I, until earlier this week when I saw a small blurb on our local paper's Twitter feed. The Big Idaho Potato is a giant (fake) potato that tours the US and helps small charities in towns and cities with its A Big Helping program.

The truck was scheduled to visit at a local burger joint, DAP's, so I took the two-some out for a lunch and a scoop of ice cream. The children were delighted and I was delighted to find a really nice ice cream shop within an easy driving distance. One of my favorite memories from childhood was going to a real ice cream shop with all those ice cream flavors.

The restaurant was decorated with balloons held down with gigantic potatoes!

The children were so taken by this giant potato. In person, the potato is enormous and it's fun to get a photo with it. I wasn't able to get far enough away to get a full shot of the truck and potato. haha!

The Big Potato team had boxes of potatoes for children to decorate. Bear decorated his all on his own, while a nice lady helped Bun decorate hers. Bun somehow found the tiniest potato she could out of a huge box of enormous potatoes. She was so happy! Seriously, look at these happy children!

My children, they love their potato friends. I had to ask them to put them on our dining room table and stop fiddling with them before they loved their potatoes to death. They've explicitly told me I can't cook their potato babies and I'm not allowed to plant them either. *sigh* My children...

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