I was fortunate to work with Cindy (aka Geeky Hooker) as a tester on a few patterns for her new book, Literary Yarns: Crochet Projects Inspired by Classic Books
Since I've already preordered a copy, I'm giving you a chance to win a copy and get a little raven buddy I made from her pattern.*
This book, you guys! It's awesome! If you're into collecting amigurumi books, this one needs to be on your shelf. It's a heavy duty hardback book featuring 22 adorable patterns.
I've included a few photos of the book here. Can everyone say, "cute! Cute!! CUTE!!!"
(Hello Cutie!)
(This is the pattern I worked on! It's so cute!)
(Shut up! Isn't this an adorable set?!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Now this cutie-poo Raven, is not a pattern in the book. Instead you can receive his pattern FREE when you preorder the book. Quirk Books is offering the pattern for FREE to preorder from any retailer. All you need to do is email a photo or screenshot of your receipt marketing@quirkbooks.com with the subject line “LITERARY YARNS PRE-ORDER” for a free copy! Click here for full details.
And if you aren't lucky in raffles like myself, you can always preorder a copy of Literary Yarns: Crochet Projects Inspired by Classic Books
Thank you for the opportunity and for bringing attention to this book! It looks fabulous.