Thursday, May 4, 2017

May the Fourth Be With You

Ah! Star Wars!

Yep, I'm one of those. Growing up, we had a bootleg copy of all three movies (at the time) and my sisters would let me watch the entire series. (I'm the youngest of four and I'm sure six hours without little sister was a great break.) For me it was heaven. I made up stories about Star Wars in my head and pretend my stuffed toys were Star Wars characters.

I have a deep love for Star Wars (Although, I pretend episodes I-III were never made. Shh!)

We usually try to keep television watching to a minimum in our house, but I wanted the children to see the characters, so they would understand who they might be seeing at our library's May the Fourth party. Each day, we watched one movie.

Bear is 4, quickly going on 5, and apparently this is the age! Yes! My son has finally understood Star Wars! He asked me valid questions about what was going on and got excited about the action scenes. My little geek heart couldn't be more proud. 

The best part was him deciding the Ewoks were hamster warriors. I nearly died trying not to laugh over that. Why not bears? Oh little boy, you crack me up.

Ok so, I was wanted to prepare the children for people at the library in costumes, which may be scary, but as soon as I mentioned costumes, they both wanted to dress up. Well that was Saturday, so I quick found 2 shirts (thank you Amazon) and crocheted them some hats.

It was a success! Here is a photo of the children wearing their hats. I altered this pattern by Jen Spears.  It was a quick crochet and the kids loved them. The library event ended up being a delight to the children as well. They were both thrilled. Despite their faces in this photo. I swear, I can never get a good picture of my kids anymore.

Well, I hope you had a good day! Tomorrow's Friday.

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